Press release


21 September 2023

Press release: RCP responds to net zero policy changes

Professor Ramesh Arasaradnam, academic vice president at the Royal College of Physicians, said:

“We know that climate change is the biggest threat to human health. The action that needs to be taken to limit its worst impacts will require major changes to the way we live our lives. But the consequences of doing nothing or delaying action will be far worse for the health of the planet and our country.  

"It is critical that there is a robust and credible pathway for reaching the UK’s emission reduction targets by 2050 at the very latest. The targets banning the sale of petrol and diesel cars and vans, as well as phasing out gas boilers, were important milestones in our pathway to reach net zero. Delaying the targets means delaying action we can take today to protect our health and the health of the planet.”