News & opinion



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Healthy homes: guest blog from the TCPA

The Inequalities in Health Alliance is a coalition of more than 250 organisations, convened by the RCP, who campaign for a cross-government strategy to reduce health inequalities. This blogpost from the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) is the first in a series by member organisations. TCPA director of healthier place-making, Julia Thrift, appeared in front of the Health and Social Care select committee last year, where she highlighted the work of the IHA and raised the need for a cross-government strategy with MPs.

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New light through old windows: anomalies and what’s left unsaid

In the first of our senior officer blogs for 2024, RCP registrar Professor Cathryn Edwards considers how we can reflect, progress and unlock opportunities in the year ahead.

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Improving access to clinical research opportunities: findings from the RCP’s 2022 annual census

In this senior officer blog feature, the RCP’s academic vice president Professor Ramesh Arasaradnam discusses the barriers that doctors face in accessing clinical research and what can be done to improve opportunities.

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A festive message from your RCP officers

The end of the year prompts many of us to reflect on the months gone past and the year to come. Members will need no reminding of the challenges we faced in 2023 – but it is with pride that I reflect on the difference we have all made to the lives of our patients and our colleagues this year.

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Gweithio dros y gwyliau | llawenydd, braint, euogrwydd, her

Wrth i’r Nadolig agosáu, mae Dr Hilary Williams yn myfyrio ar deimladau cymysg am weithio dros y gwyliau ac yn dymuno cyfnod Nadoligaidd hapus iawn i bawb yn y GIG.

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Working over the holidays | joy, privilege, guilt, challenge

As Christmas grows closer, Dr Hilary Williams reflects on mixed feelings about working over the holidays and wishes everyone in the NHS a very happy festive period.

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Smoking must become a habit of the past | blog from Professor Sanjay Agrawal

After the government's consultation on creating a smokefree generation and tackling youth vaping closed last week, RCP's special adviser on tobacco Professor Sanjay Agrawal outlines why legislation must be carried through so that smoking can be relegated to the history books as a bygone societal ill.

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How we can respond to the challenges of an ageing population

Earlier this month the chief medical officer (CMO) published his annual report for 2023, focused on how to improve the health and quality of life of those living in an ageing society.

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Your voice at the RCP

This month, our guest blogger, Dr Justyna Witczak, consultant in diabetes and endocrinology, and the Wales representative on the RCP New Consultants Committee, discusses her career in academic medicine and research.