The National Respiratory Audit Programme (NRAP)

The National Respiratory Audit Programme (NRAP) for England and Wales aims to improve the quality of care, services, and clinical outcomes for people with respiratory disease (including Asthma and COPD).

Spanning the entire patient care pathway, NRAP works closely with patients, as well as healthcare professionals, and aspires to set out a vision for services which puts patients' needs first.

It does this by using data to support and train clinicians, empowering people living with respiratory disease, and their carers, and informing national and local policy, with a strong track record of delivery, critical in assessing progress against national priorities.

The NRAP governance structure consists of a Board, four workstream-specific Advisory Groups and two patient panels. Ad hoc steering groups also support programme work.

Members of these groups contribute to programme activities and decisions and, therefore, declarations of interests that may conflict with the audit programme are required as a matter of good governance:

The NRAP Board provides expert direction, operational oversight and performance management of the NRAP programme, and consists of stakeholders including patient representatives and national and patient organisations.

The advisory groups provides operational advice on the individual NRAP workstreams and consist of patients and healthcare professionals considered experts in their field. 

The patient panels make sure the views, experiences and ideas of people affected by respiratory conditions, who use the NHS, can help shape the audit. 

Information for patients and details about how NRAP works in partnership with patients and carers can be found on the patient involvement and support page.

We produce regular newsletters providing updates on NRAP and its workstreams. If you would like to receive the NRAP newsletter, or are already on our contact list and wish to be removed, email

Please note NRAP do not have information governance permission to view or receive patient identifiable data (including, but not limited to date of birth, NHS number and patient address). Please do not send NRAP any patient identifiable information. We will still assist with your query to the best of our ability. 

If you require support in resolving specific import error queries, we advise that you contact the webtool provider Crown directly via Please do not send any data by email to Crown.