Position statement




03 August 2017

Keeping patients at the heart of the NHS: The RCP’s four-point plan for the next government

The RCP calls on the next government to:

1. place patient care at the centre of Brexit negotiations ensuring that the nation’s health is placed at the centre of Brexit negotiations and that the UK’s withdrawal from the EU is used as an opportunity to improve the health of the UK.

2. invest in, support and value the NHS workforce addressing the need for a workforce that meets the needs of our ageing population by supporting doctors to deliver the best care possible by investing in training, education and development.

3. deliver a new financial settlement for the NHS and social care meeting the demand for health services and social care by setting realistic targets for efficiency savings and investing in the long-term sustainability of the NHS.

4. support people to live healthier lives by investing in public health focusing on the importance of supporting people to live healthier lives, reduce avoidable illness and help keep people out of hospital for as long as possible.