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Clinicians as leaders

Leadership training to support you from the start of your career to the most senior clinical roles. 

Try a first step into leadership training with our free-to-members e-learning, then book onto one of our early-stage individual as leader or half-day physician associate workshops and work forward from there, culminating in our workshop for new clinical directors.

Our longer programmes

Our flagship longer programmes, usually run over a 12-month period, have a proven track record of developing individuals to take on leadership roles.

Circle Plus

Chief registrar programme

The Chief Registrar role is a senior leadership role for doctors. The programme develops the clinical leaders of the future and helps chief registrars to ensure NHS organisations deliver the highest quality of treatment and care for patients.


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Circle Plus

6-step course for new consultants

A programme evidenced by post CCT surveys, using our first-hand experience of best leadership practice and working with doctors to design it for you. This year long programme explores the role of a new consultant to successfully maximise the opportunities presented by your new role.


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Circle Plus

Emerging Women Leaders

A development programme designed specifically to address the under-representation of women in leadership roles within the RCP and the wider medical profession.

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We are commissioned to design and deliver a wide range of leadership programmes based on our existing models. In recent years we have worked with healthcare professionals and managers in the GIRFT stroke specific programme, with physiotherapists and physicians in British Sports and Exercise Medicine, and with clinicians in leadership roles in the UK Kidney Association.

Internationally, we have developed a programme for women leaders where we train ‘champions’ who support them to succeed in challenging environments.