Press release


19 July 2023

Press release: RCP responds to Covenant for Health report

Dr Sarah Clarke, president of the Royal College of Physicians, said: 

“We are seeing first-hand the additional pressures placed on the health service due to avoidable illness caused by poor housing, unemployment, food quality, air pollution and smoking. An RCP survey recently found that almost a third of physicians are seeing more people with illness due to their living conditions.

“The RCP agrees with Lord Filkin that the health of the nation must be prioritised by all political parties. We strongly welcome the recommendation that action be led by the prime minister and chancellor, and that government assesses the health impact of all its policies.

“The RCP has long called for a cross-government strategy to reduce health inequality, in recent years through the Inequalities in Health Alliance of almost 250 organisations. Only such an approach will reduce the overwhelming demand on the NHS and build a healthier society for the long term.”