Our global strategy

The Royal College of Physicians has vast experience in setting healthcare standards and improving patient care in the UK. We have a responsibility to use this experience to support our global network of members and fellows and to improve access to quality healthcare worldwide.

The RCP new Global Strategy was launched in January 2021, based on the RCP’s core values, vision, mission and principles. The strategy aligns with the RCP’s broader strategic aims, as well as its charitable purpose. The purpose of the strategy is to support achieving the RCP’s vision of providing the best possible health and healthcare for everyone.

The new strategy is mapped to the RCP’s charitable purpose, including a demonstrable benefit to the English public within the core themes of the activities. The governance and reporting have been strengthened within the new strategy and key metrics of success have been developed for the ongoing quality assurance process.

The overarching strategic aims are:
  • Educating physicians to their full potential
  • Influencing the way that healthcare is designed and delivered
  • Improving health and care and leading on prevention

A themed approach has been developed to achieve the RCP’s global aims and objectives. These align to the types of activities that are delivered.

RCP Global themes and activities:
  • Membership and fellowship engagement
  • Medical Training Initiative (MTI) and supporting the international workforce
  • Education and training
  • Conference and CME events
  • Federated activity, including exams
  • Projects mapped to the RCP’s strategic aims, vision, mission, principles and charitable purpose
Download the RCP global strategy 2021-24