



13 January 2021

How to embed research in NHS trusts to improve patient care

Please find below the presentations from the day.

Professor Cheng Hock Toh (RCP) – How to embed research in NHS trusts to improve patient care
Dr Liz Mear (Innovation Agency) – Introducing AHSNs and embedded research
Louise Shepherd CBE – (Alder Hey hospital) Embedding research in NHS trusts: the Alder Hey experience
Dr William vant' Hoff (NIHR) Best patient care, clinical research and you
Keith Wilson (Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital) – Embedding research to improve patient care

Attendees discussed three key barriers to embedding research and what practical solutions existed. The links to summaries of these workshop discussions can be viewed at the bottom of this page:

  • Protected time for clinicians
  • Culture of NHS trusts
  • Credibility clinicians feel

These discussions gave us plenty to consider, and some of our next steps include:

  • Working with R&D colleagues and patient groups to collate case studies highlighting the challenges and solutions to embedding research in NHS trusts.
  • Updating the RCP’s guidance on job plans for NHS consultants to reflect the importance of enabling time for patient-facing research.
  • Convening focus groups to examine obstacles and solutions to industry doing research in trusts’.