



12 December 2023

FLS-DB annual report 2024

  • More FLSs are now delivering over 80 % identification rates for non-spine fractures. FLS that have prioritised improvement in KPI 2 and 3 should contact these services to share best practice for funding and identification pathways. 
  • To meet the healthcare recovery targets from the pandemic, FLS funding should be prioritised based on expected number of avoided fractures from a comprehensive service. FLSs should describe their capacity gaps and the expected benefit vs effort from re-organising pathways to ensure that at least 80% of higher risk patients are checked within 16 weeks of their fracture. 
  • FLSs should work with their local DXA providers to ensure access to DXA is based on patient need. This may require FRAX before DXA pathways, increasing follow up based on evidence and using FRAX only recommendations to clear backlogs of patients that are unlikely to be cleared in the next 4 months. 
  • FLS care pathways should acknowledge that specific patient groups need a personalised approach to assessment, decision-making and support. This includes providing patient-facing materials that reflect the languages of their local population. 
  • All senior executive decision-makers should hold a key stakeholder meeting to explore how local needs for fragility fracture patients can be met. Patient representatives and members of the Royal Osteoporosis Society should be invited to the meeting, and it should plan for effective and sustainably resourced FLSs based and designed on the KPIs from the FLS-DB. 

Please read the full report for recommendations for a range of audiences including services, commissioners, and executive teams.